Or should I say keeping the fat rolling off of me. Last week I wasn't able to post my weight loss because I had an eye infection and I couldn't even look at a computer. I am better, not 100% but better.
SO last week I lost a total of 3 pounds!! That brings me to a weight loss of 16.6 pounds since I started weight watchers. If I don't say so myself that is pretty darn good. My fiance Mike is also losing weight. He at first was counting points and tracking what he ate, but since he is such a tall guy he had a lot of extra points that he wasn't eating at the end of everyday. so he stopped counting and tracking and he's still losing weight. Lucky men, they always lose weight way faster then us women. It is true! I did a little research and here are some of the reasons that men lose weight faster than women.
- They have naturally faster metabolisms: The truth is that men have evolutionarily more muscle than women and muscle burns fat. The more muscle the more fat burned. They don't even have to do any work, with more muscle you burn more calories while at rest.
- Women have a disadvantage. They have a tendency to store more fat because of a wonderful little horomone called estrogen. It all goes back to those caveman breeder days, estrogen keeps women from losing fat so that they can more easily get pregnant.
- Women also have smaller lungs than men. This can make the same workout for a man harder for a woman.
- Men have less body fat than women. Men don't have huge globes of fat growing out of their chest. Well some may... but with a man and a woman that are both at around the same weight and physical fitness, the woman is going to have a higher % of body fat. In women the normal body fat % is 25% while in a man it is anywhere between 18 and 22%.
- Where our fat is stored is also a big factor. Men mostly store the fat they gain around organs, which can be dangerous for things such as heart disease, however that fat is easier to lose. Women's fat is normally store subcutaneously, which means under the skin. One word, Cellulite! This type of fat can be harder to lose.
But this is not an excuse to just give up and say I'll never lose as much as Mr. Boyfriend, or Mr. Husband! This is just to let you women out there know. You are not alone and it's not all your fault! Don't let it get you down! I won't! I will be going in to Weight Watchers in about 30 min to weigh in. Lets see how much weight I lost since last week. Wish me luck!
![Before Side view](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2545/3892650269_094011c486.jpg)
Here are some official "Before" pictures, just like they have them on all those weight loss tapes and gimmicks. Can't wait to put up some after shots!
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